Most people when purchasing tyres don’t feel the need or even think about having their wheel alignment checked. This can lead to uneven and excessive tyre wear.
Wheel misalignment is caused by a variety of factors including potholes, speed bumps, faulty suspension, and even kerb damage which results in irregular tyre wear and can even affect the handling and safety of the vehicle.
Our wheel alignment service is essential to ensure your car operates with maximum efficiency, comfort and safety. We achieve this by making sure all of your wheels point in exactly the right direction in relation to each other and your direction of travel. This is an increasingly important service on modern cars as the majority now have many adjustable components within the steering and suspension systems which, if not set correctly can cause misalignment.
Trade Tyres Blackburn now offers a complete 3D wheel alignment service which is extremely accurate and measures up to 14 primary wheel angles and compares them with the original specifications detailed by your car manufacturer. If any differences are found, we can correct these by adjusting your car’s steering and suspension settings, which helps to maximise your fuel efficiency, reduce any uneven tyre wear and improve your drive handling as well as safety.
We use the very latest in computerised & laser technology “Supertracker” machine which is amongst one of the most sophisticated alignment systems on the market today. Our Supertracker system will set your cars alignment back to factory defaults. This will save on the rising cost of fuel and vehicle wear and tear. It’ll also considerably prolong the life of your vehicle tyres too.
What we provide from our 3D Wheel Alignment Service
- Full range of front and rear suspension geometry checks and different angles are measured such as thrust line, camber, set back and toe in/toe out of each wheel measured against the vehicle centre line for all four wheels.
- Comparisons are then made with the vehicle manufacturers’ data.
- The alignment alignment technician will then be able to discuss the findings with you and agree which adjustments should or can be made.
- When the alignment adjustments are complete, you will be presented with your personalised printout, showing the ‘before and after” measurements, which should be kept with your vehicle servicing records. It is your guarantee that the work has been carried out to your satisfaction.
Book for your Vehicle Wheel Alignment
Although booking is not necessary, to avoid disappointment we recommend that you book an appointment for us to have a look at your vehicles alignment. To book for your wheel alignment simply fill out our contact form or call our service team on 01254 69 88 66 or mobile 07793 10 26 60 to discuss your requirements.